We have Brown Swiss Dairy cows, Angus Beef cows and a Bottle Calf operation:
Our Brown Swiss cows have A2 protein milk and loads of cream! They help us feed bottle calves, milk finish pigs and steers and of course make the best Ice Cream and Cheese!!!!
Our original dairy cow from the Dairy herd. Owned by Dallas
Registered Brown Swiss Owned by Dallas
#52's daughter. Pure Brows Swiss. Owner by Matt
Brown Swiss owned by Dallas
We sometimes bottle raise calves either from the milk cows or orphaned calves.
Our Beef herd consists of roughly 50 red and black Angus cows. Some registered and some commercial. We select our cows for feed efficiency, ease of calving, longevity and of course temperament.
We calve May/June and sell calves in November. We are fortunate to have ponies and kids that can help with tagging and checking cows and calves.
What a wonderful life to live!!